August 27, 2012

The flea market haul

Oh how I just live for the thrift... or as I'd like to call it 'the treasure hunt.' You can wake me up for a good flea market at all times! I have to admit, I am picky... most flea markets I find to be boring, or even disappointing. But fortunately, a véry good fleamarket is held montly in my town. I am so happy with the beautiful goodies I found the other day at the Vechtsebanen flea market in Utrecht. I hardly ever find so many pretty things in one day! Do you? Let me run you through the treasures I brought home.

A gorgeous never used leather bag (much prettier irl) and belt; 15,-

I always fall for these antique fashion prints; 7.50 (for the set)

A pretty 30s blouse (another family heriloom the seller told me); 3,-

Paper dolls to dress up (Barbie's precursor!); 3,-


  1. I love the top and the paper dolls. Treasure hunts is what I call it too. I love the "find" and everytime I go thrifting, I find one treasure that is my favorite. It is sooo addictive.

  2. Totally awesome finds! The leather bag looks incredible! Love the blouse too, it will look great on you!


  3. You made amazing deals!how fascinating... Hope sometime you have the chance to visit my blog. I really love yours dear. xo Coco


... it makes my day!