August 6, 2012

The beautiful Girona and Grannolers

One of the towns close to 'our' mountain, was Girona... such an amazing city! Very medieval and so gorgeous! I went to visit Girona with Marnix, where we enjoyed a decadent three course lunch. Of course I wore a vintage dress from the fifties... just to feel even more historic.

The second town we visited a few days later was Granollers. I had neverheard of that name before. But for some reason we ended up there. The first sights were... depressing! But since we had to eat something, we headed into town anyways. To our surprise, the town centre was very pretty! Very different from Girona, which made the visit even more worth while.
Skirt; H&M


  1. ohw beautifull Girona. I went there 7years ago on my holliday in Toscane. and i loved the village.

  2. whoops, never mind my last commend. ofcourse I visited Girona when i was in Barcelona couple years ago.
    Grin, it was a long day. my brain decided to have a vacation :-p

  3. Lovely pictures and I especially love the yellow dress!


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