August 21, 2012

Rockin' at the Drive-In barn

The 18th of august will now be know as one of the hottest days in Dutch history... and we were at a camp site on a Belgian farm in the middle of the blistering heat! With we I mean me and the husband, Robin (Madame de Pompadour) with her man Jabe and Jerry (also a vintage hairstylist.) We were there to enjoy vintage music and lifestyle at the Rock 'n Roll festival 'Rockin at the Drive-In barn' ánd to work there. Madame and Jerry were responsible for vintage hairstyling and I was there with a selection of vintage treasures. 
The saturday began with setting up our tents on the camp site in the already mind numbing heat. I decided not to set up the clothing rack just yet, I wasn't feeling my best the day before and I didn't want to put pressure on my system. Since the barn where our stand was reached a temperature of 42 degrees (without wind!) So me, Marnix and Jabe set up our little camp where we stocked the cooler with water and beer. I brought my Freddies of Pinewood dungarees to fit the farmer part. I only wore a bikini top underneath because of the heat. The camp site was hilarious! The people standing there were all trying to deal with the heat, which created a bond since there was absolutely no form of water or shaduw anywhere near haha. The fact that only oldtimers were allowed on the terrain, made it a very pretty American looking sight.

All we did that day was drink water, beer, water, water, water, eat a hamburger, make sure the hairstylist were hydrated, drink water, beer and lots more water. Literally; shitloads of water! By the end of the day, we all took a cold shower and prepared for the night. My man got a 'tattoo', Madame did my hair and we all put on our pretty clothes... and then the bands started playing. Be pepared for an overload of cars, tattoos, pretty hair and vintage fashion. To be continued...


  1. Hello, I love your blog. The pictures are beautiful!!!! <3 I've nominated you on my blog with an award.

  2. I love your outfit, especially the fancy touch given by the bag. (Btw, reminds me to fix my dungarees.)
    I´m looking forward to more pictures, can´t go wrong with cars, tattoos, fashion and hair ;)


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